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Betsy Donovan, Partner

Betsy embraced the senior living industry right out of college. With a BA in Therapeutic Recreation from University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA, she started out as a Recreation Therapist in a secure geriatric psychiatric hospital in Stockton, CA then shortly thereafter obtained a Skilled Nursing Administrator’s license and worked in that role for nearly 20 years in various settings. After earning an MS in Health Care Administration from St. Mary’s College of Moraga CA, Betsy expanded her skilled nursing (SNF) experience and obtained her Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) Administrator Certification and served as Executive Director in CCRC’s, assisted living and memory care communities. From 2011 through 2020, Betsy served as Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Eskaton, a Northern California not for profit senior living organization. Additionally, Betsy is a graduate of the Leading Age Leadership Academy and served nearly five years on the California Assisted Living Association (CALA) Board of Directors as both the Secretary and Treasurer.


Dr. Teri Tift, Partner

Teri has been passionate about post-acute care since she obtained her Registered Nurse and Public Health Nurse licenses and began her first nursing position in a skilled nursing facility. Beginning as a charge nurse, she moved into the roles of Unit Manager, Assistant Director of Nurses, and Director of Nurses. Teri then transitioned to Executive Director of Quality & Compliance for Eskaton Properties, Inc., a not-for-profit senior living organization where she led a team of professionals dedicated to quality assurance and improvement. Teri holds a BS in Nursing, an MS in Nursing with a Nurse Educator role emphasis, a post-graduate certificate in gerontology, and a Doctor of Health Administration degree. In addition to extensive education and training in geriatrics and gerontology, Teri possesses a solid knowledge base of practical hands-on experience in post-acute care settings. She is a graduate of the national Leading Age Leadership Academy, an ANCC certified Gerontological Registered Nurse, and a Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management.